Charli Coon

Charli Coon is senior policy analyst for energy and the environment for The Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based public policy research institute.

Explore Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

It's not hard to figure out why Congress has yet to vote to allow exploration for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). It's the easy way out. You simply declare your love for the environment, your desire that America find some other way to solve its...
A Polluted Process: Horse-Trading with Energy Policy

A Polluted Process: Horse-Trading with Energy Policy

Politics, they say, is the art of compromise. You give something, I give something. In the end, we wind up with something everyone's happy with. That's how worthwhile legislation is forged, right? Yes, usually. But compromise could earn a bad name from the...

Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls

Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls

Even the Department of Energy's study found that price caps -- which, let's not forget, are what got California into this mess in the first place -- won't improve the energy situation. In fact, they'll likely make it worse. The study concluded that a $150 "hard cap"...

Why Not Explore the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska?

In northeast Alaska, above the Arctic Circle, the snow seems to cover far more than the land. It's so thick and deep and cold and hard that you smell next to nothing and you hear even less. Given that part of the state sees no daylight for two months of every year,...

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