Carter Laren

Carter is a part-time free-lance writer and Producer Advocate. He is also a former editor and contributing writer at Capitalism Magazine, where he primarily focused on self-defense and national-defense issues. While at the University of Pittsburgh, Carter was a regular columnist for The Pitt News. In his spare time, Carter instructs both law enforcement and fellow citizens in the defensive use of firearms and is a student of the martial arts.

Personal Lie-ability

The Brady Center to Prevent "Gun Violence" was handed a victory on Monday when the Supreme Court ruled that its lawsuit against firearms manufactures could continue. Under Washington DC's Assault Weapons Manufacturing Strict Liability Act of 1990, firearm...

Citizen Change: Voting Zombies

As in years past, the weeks and months leading up to the 2004 presidential election have been laced with stern reminders about the importance of voting. But while every citizen has a right to vote on election day, none has an obligation. In fact, morally, many have an...

Unicorns, Jedi, and Plastic Guns

Unicorns, Jedi, and Plastic Guns

During the recent vice presidential debate, Senator Edwards criticized Vice President Cheney for voting "against banning plastic weapons that can pass through metal detectors." The ban to which Edwards was referring was the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988. Cheney...

Thanks For Terminating My Rights, Mr. Schwarzenegger!

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger: Thank you so much! At first, I was worried when the 1994 federal assault weapons ban expired on September 13th. I know that the ban did absolutely nothing to decrease violent crime in the United States, but I sure felt safer when the nice...

The Burning of the First Amendment

In what on the surface could only be described as an acute case of masochistic dementia, Philip Morris USA owner Altria Group Inc. is now protesting the promotion of its own brand.In a May 20th letter to Paramount Pictures, Philips Morris Senior Vice President Howard...

Amnesty International: More Than Just Bad Manners

On Wednesday, Amnesty International (AI) issued their annual "International Report" on the state of human rights. It even included a message from AI Secretary General Irene Khan titled, "Why human rights matter." Her message was apparently aimed the large contingent...

Court Gives Bryco/Jennings the Finger

Once again, someone has managed to blame a few pounds of metal for the demonstrated ineptitude of a few pounds of gray matter. Last week, jurors in a California civil court ruled that gun manufacturer Bryco/Jennings must pay over $50 million to a 16-year-old who...

In Defense of Enemies

There are plenty of otherwise rational individuals in the world who avoid confrontation at all costs, as if getting labeled a "Capitalist" was somehow worse than actually being one. This article is dedicated to them. Sometimes, even I receive hate mail. It's shocking,...

The Naked Hypocrisy of the Dixie Chicks

"Just so you know," Natalie Maines told a London audience last month, "we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." But in an interview with Diane Sawyer Friday, the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks responded to fan backlash by claiming that...

California Assembly says, “Let them eat lead!”

The worst possible nightmare for many politicians--and especially for California Assembly members Mark Ridley-Thomas and Paul Koretz--is that citizens actually start to pay attention to their everyday shenanigans. Several times now, socialist fiefs in California's...

First Amendment Bull: Tim Robbins vs. Free Speech

Lately, it seems as if almost every week some leftist celebrity finds the time and energy to publicly demonstrate their gross misunderstanding of a simple two-word phrase: "free speech." Although few people expect them to be literate enough to read the second...

Hate is not a Crime

Hate is not a Crime

Last month, the Canadian government detained several newsletters from the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) defending "Israel's moral right to exist" out of concern that "they may constitute obscenity or hate propaganda." Although the government later decided that the material...

The Beltway Sniper: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

[HUMOR] If I have learned anything from world leaders over the past several decades, it is that the war-mongering methods of people like Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose just don't work. Police and government officials should stop their oppressive,...

Big Plus Rich Equals Evil: How Hollywood Dug Its Own Grave

As executives from almost every studio chatter nervously about the need for better "content protection" technology, those responsible for piracy continue to hide somewhere Hollywood hasn't bothered looking: the mirror. "Piracy is a huge issue," warned John Mass,...

Terrorism: The Second-Biggest Threat to America

Throughout the "war on terrorism," we have all heard our nation's leaders pay extensive lip service to "protecting America." But if "America" is just a collection of people on a slab of land somewhere, then there's no significant difference between the United States...

The ACLU vs. American Liberty

The American Civil Liberties Union recently released a white paper admitting that it is not particularly concerned with defending free speech. But not to worry, this does not make the ACLU purposeless: according to the paper, the leaders in the ACLU derive just as...

De-mystifying Democracy

The United States should not be fighting for a democratic Afghanistan. In fact, it should not be fighting for democracy at all--not in Afghanistan, not in China, and not even in America. Democracy and dictatorship are not rivals; they are brothers. In Afghanistan, the...

Environmentalism vs. Human Life: Stickleback, et. al. v. Man

Environmentalism vs. Human Life: Stickleback, et. al. v. Man

The Center for Biological Diversity sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week in an effort to destroy the natural habitat of one of the Los Angeles area's most beautiful, but fragile, species. With no hard scales, thick hide, or camouflage for protection, no...

What To Do with Ralph Nader?

A few days ago, Bill Gates received a rather malicious piece of hate mail singed, "Ralph Nader." It wasn't his first. Presumably, the infamous "Consumer Advocate" left his return address off of the envelope, because someone at Microsoft accidentally opened it instead...

Pacificism Empowers Terrorism

In the weeks following the 11 September attack, organizations across the nation-- especially on college campuses--have gathered to rally in support of Adolf Hitler. They've posted signs, handed-out leaflets, and written editorials proclaiming their steadfast support....

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