Brian Riedl

Brian M. Riedl is the Grover M. Hermann fellow in federal budgetary issues at The Heritage Foundation (, a Washington-based public policy research institute.

How Washington will spend your taxes in 2006

As the April 15 tax deadline edges closer, taxpayers frantically completing their 1040s may be wondering just what their hard-earned federal tax dollars pay for, anyway.Washington will spend $23,760 per household in 2006 -- the highest inflation-adjusted total since...

How Your Government Wastes Your Money

This year, Washington will spend an eye-popping $22,039 per household. That is the highest inflation-adjusted total since World War II, and $5,000 per household more than Washington spent just four years ago. With difficult decisions ahead, government waste should be...

How Washington Will Spend Your Taxes In 2005

The April 15 tax deadline provides taxpayers the opportunity to examine how their elected officials will spend their hard-earned tax dollars. Washington will spend $22,039 per household in 2005 -- the highest inflation-adjusted total since World War II, and $4,000...

Budget Deficits Mean It’s Time to Cut Government Spending

The Congressional Budget Office's latest budget projections should serve as a wake-up call to fiscal conservatives in Congress and the White House. Unless they restrain spending, they'll see budget deficits jeopardize the tax-relief agenda and imperil much of the...

National Security Versus Pork

Should our tax dollars fund our troops fighting in Iraq, or the Smithsonian's national worm collection?If it's business as usual up at the Capitol, then this is the type of question Congress will grapple with in the coming weeks. And if history is our guide, the...

Cutting Government Waste: A “Painful Sacrifice”?

There they go again: Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., calls it "immoral." Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle says it would be a "painful sacrifice." The war in Iraq? Try the budget recently passed by the House Budget Committee, which seeks to increase government spending...

End Welfare for Corporations

End Welfare for Corporations

The 1996 welfare reforms comprised the boldest social policy reform over the last 60 years. Millions of people moved off the government dole and achieved self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, those reforms excluded a rather large segment of society that still considers...

Washington’s $782 Billion Spending Spree

"If we don't … reaffirm our commitment to fiscal responsibility, years of hard work could be squandered," Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently told Congress. Considering the ever-climbing spending levels on Capitol Hill these days, his warning makes...

“Do the Opposite” on Taxes

Fans of the TV show "Seinfeld" will remember an episode in which perpetual loser George Costanza announces a major shift in attitude: From that point on, he will simply "do the opposite" of whatever he would normally do in any given situation. This turns into an...

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