Ayn Rand’s extemporaneous answers to questions from audience members after delivering remarks that were not primarily on the topic of war and peace, compiled by the Ayn Rand Institute.
Ayn Rand
Video: The Sanction of the Victims
“It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers. Yet that is what businessmen are doing with such reckless irresponsibility.” — Ayn Rand
Philosopher Ayn Rand on Capitalism vs Communism
In this 1961 lecture, delivered to the Presidents Club of the American Management Association, Ayn Rand outlines commonly heard arguments for capitalism and emphasizes that the only proper defense is a moral one. She seeks...
Is “The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number” a Moral Principle?
Philosopher Ayn Rand on why “the greatest good for the greatest number” is one of the most vicious slogans ever foisted on humanity.
Atlas Shrugged: Who Runs Taggart Transcontinental?
“That’s who runs Taggart Transcontinental,” said the engineer; the respect in his voice was genuine. “That’s the Vice-President in Charge of Operation.”
Marilyn Monroe: Through Your Most Grievous Fault
Marilyn Monroe on the screen was an image of pure, innocent, childlike joy in living.
“Francisco’s Money Speech”
“So you think that money is the root of all evil?” said Francisco d’Anconia. “Have you ever asked what is the root of money?”
Ayn Rand’s Testimony Before The House UnAmerican Affairs Committee
Communist propaganda is anything which gives a good impression of communism as a way of life. Anything that sells people the idea that life in Russia is good and that people are free and happy would be Communist propaganda.
To All Innocent Fifth Columnists
The world is a beautiful place and worth fighting for. But not without Freedom.
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