Andrew Layman

The author has thirty years experience in the computer field, and has written a number of significant programs, including some that perform extensive date calculations. He runs the website Strong Brains at

Y2K problems will be minor

I'm not expecting a Year 2000 cataclysm. I've read a fair amount of literature on the subject, and it largely breaks down into two categories. In the first, you find sober discussions of the details with a conclusion that the problem is largely manageable. Any...
Microsoft and Creativity

Microsoft and Creativity

I frequently read condemnations of Microsoft. It would be futile to put myself in the position of the Simpson prosecution, lending credibility to fantasies by treating them seriously. But some accusations have a surface plausibility, particularly to readers not versed...

Y2K Resources: Will the world end on January 1, 2000?

Many people say that a disaster of unprecedented proportions faces mankind on January 1st, 2000. Some say this is God's plan to destroy civilization and prepare for the second coming of Christ. Others say that we must give up our political freedom in order to address...

Y2K problems will be minor

I'm not expecting a Year 2000 cataclysm. I've read a fair amount of literature on the subject, and it largely breaks down into two categories. In the first, you find sober discussions of the details with a conclusion that the problem is largely manageable. Any...

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