Andrew Bernstein

Andrew Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the City University of New York. He lectures all over the world.

Four Popular Movies Celebrating Business and Businessmen

It is refreshing to come across films in which profit-driven business is portrayed as benign and/or that show businessmen as heroes. Although such films are rare, they do exist and are often quite entertaining.

America: A Racist Nation?

America: A Racist Nation?

The recent murder of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis was ghastly and reminds us of the hideous racial injustice directed against black Americans in the nation’s past.

Further Truths About Climate Change

Further Truths About Climate Change

The Modern Warm Period from the late-19th to the early 21st centuries, is only trivially man-made and not pernicious, but rather, is overwhelmingly natural and fully benign.

Immigration and The Welfare State

Immigration and The Welfare State

Most immigrants recognize that America is the land of opportunity. If we let enough in, perhaps their number will offset the growing number of the native born who simper that America is the land of entitlement.

Capitalist Solutions: Resolving America's Problems

An excerpt from the Introduction to Andrew Bernstein's forthcoming book  Capitalist Solutions: A Philosophy of American Moral Dilemmas. Reprinted in Capitalism Magazine by permission of the author.   To be blunt, the United States faces enormous challenges...

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