Andrew Bernstein on voting against Joe Biden, and Robert Stubblefield on voting against Donald Trump.
Andrew Bernstein
A Dearth of Eagles – Chapter One: The Writer
A excerpt from Andrew Bernstein’s novel — A Dearth of Eagles — a fictional work tells the story of freedom fighters during Communism’s final years,
America: A Racist Nation?
The recent murder of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis was ghastly and reminds us of the hideous racial injustice directed against black Americans in the nation’s past.
Further Truths About Climate Change
The Modern Warm Period from the late-19th to the early 21st centuries, is only trivially man-made and not pernicious, but rather, is overwhelmingly natural and fully benign.
American Schools: The Collapse, The Cause, The Cure
Why do U.S. students persistently score lower than students from other nations on international tests?
America’s Coming Race War: Embracing Individualism Can Reverse The Racist Trend (Part 4 of 4)
We, the human race, must recognize the truth of–and embrace–the principle of color-blind individualism.
America’s Coming Race War: Post Modernism’s Monster Children The “Alt-Right” (Part 3 of 4)
Post-Modernism literally gave the most educated members of the generally ignorant white supremacist movement an au courant philosophy to intellectually bolster their racist beliefs.
America’s Coming Race War: The Contemporary American Left Embraces Racism (Part 2 of 4)
The contemporary hatred openly unleashed by the Marxist Left against whites–especially males–is eye-opening.
America’s Coming Race War: Capitalism’s Enemies Are Pushing America Toward a Race War (Part 1 of 4)
American collectivists/socialists are pushing the country toward race war.
Defense of Innocent Lives Requires Gun Ownership By Honest Persons
Dr Andrew Bernstein establishes the practical case for upholding the right to bear arms and validates the moral right of honest persons to own guns. Guns, in the hands of honest, trained persons, save innocent lives.
The Truth About Climate Change
Is nature’s inherent dynamism responsible for the climate change of our era? Or are the cause(s) man-made?
Andrew Bernstein: Real Life Heroes
To choose a hero one has to look at people who benefit human life, their integrity, moral character and their commitment to and ideal.
Immigration and The Welfare State
Most immigrants recognize that America is the land of opportunity. If we let enough in, perhaps their number will offset the growing number of the native born who simper that America is the land of entitlement.
Capitalist Solutions: Resolving America's Problems
An excerpt from the Introduction to Andrew Bernstein's forthcoming book Capitalist Solutions: A Philosophy of American Moral Dilemmas. Reprinted in Capitalism Magazine by permission of the author. To be blunt, the United States faces enormous challenges...
Bush and Congress Should Lift Environmental Restrictions on Energy Production
With American consumers currently paying the highest gasoline prices in recent history, and after another winter of high heating costs, many Americans are properly concerned about America's energy future. Predictably, many politicians and commentators blame the...
BOOKS: The Destitution of Pre-Capitalist Europe
What were the cause(s) of the high death rate in the first half of the century – and of its diminishment in the second half?
Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 5 of 5)
The morality of sacrifice lives on borrowed time.
Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 4 of 5)
Religion is evil – but is not the worst evil that men must confront.
Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 3 of 5)
In analyzing the means by which evil men gain the power to destroy, the question can be raised: Is there some deeper theory that underlies the ethics of sacrifice and gives rise to it?
Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 2 of 5)
How does Adolf Hitler – a dropout, a ne’er-do-well, an unemployed and unemployable itinerant – acquire life-and-death power over the great scientists, industrialists and thinkers of Western Europe?
Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 1 of 5)
In the face of evil run rampant, it is crucially important to protect the benevolent universe premise.
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