
A Dearth of Eagles – Chapter One: The Writer

A excerpt from Andrew Bernstein’s novel — A Dearth of Eagles — a fictional work tells the story of freedom fighters during Communism’s final years,

Falling in Love with Poetry, Part 2

With a symphonic integration of all the resources of language, great love poets take the most elusive nuances, thrills, mysteries, and motifs of love and throw them into sharp relief.

The Merchant of Mars

The Merchant of Mars

The head of NASA convinces the President that space exploration should be done by private industry, and the United States government declares, “The first person to land on Mars, live there a year, and return alive owns the whole Red Planet.” Welcome to the greatest race in history.

The Power of Observation: From Art to Literature to Life

One of the great joys of the present school year has been the addition of an art appreciation class, taught by art enthusiast and VanDamme Academy teacher Luc Travers. Mr. Travers' unique approach to analyzing a work of art has transformed my esthetic life, enhancing...

The McWilliams Special, Part 3 of 3

Just how McWilliams felt we had no means of knowing; but we knew our hearts would not beat freely until his infernal Special should slide safely over the last of the 266 miles which still lay between the distressed man and his unfortunate child. From McCloud to...

The McWilliams Special, Part 2 of 3

On the West End we had all night to prepare, and at five o'clock next morning every man in the operating department was on edge. At precisely 3.58 A.M. the McWilliams Special stuck its nose into our division, and Foley-pulled off No. 1 with the 466 -- was heading her...

The McWilliams Special, Part 1 of 3

It belongs to the Stories That Never Were Told, this of the McWilliams Special. But it happened years ago, and for that matter McWilliams is dead. It wasn't grief that killed him, either; though at one time his grief came uncommonly near killing us. It is an odd sort...

Heart of a Pagan, Chapter 2: The Coming

Excerpted from Andrew Bernstein's Heart of a Pagan: The Story of Swoop. Chapter 2: The Coming "Hoppo to the heights now!" Swoop roared that afternoon when he walked into our locker room for the first time. He swaggered through the door and slung his purple gym bag to...

The Nerve of Foley, Part 2

When I walked into the round-house in the evening, with a pair of overalls on, Foley was in the cab getting ready for the run.Neighbor brought the Flyer in from the East. As soon as he had uncoupled and got out of the way we backed down with the 448. It was the best...

A Country of Giants

A Country of Giants

For any reader who shares Ayn Rand’s philosophy and, crucially, her sense of life, these stories provide two inestimable values: a picture of man at his productive best-and a poignant reminder that America was once a country of giants.

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