For over four years, CMDC and its supporters have been outspoken advocates against antitrust and the current antitrust case against Microsoft. Before us today is the last chance to tell the government regulators that Microsoft should be lauded, instead of punished for its business practices.
As the Microsoft Antitrust case nears its end, the government is asking the public to comment on the proposed settlement of the Microsoft antitrust case. The law requires that the comments of citizens and consumers be taken into account by the District Court judge as she reviews the proposed settlement. This represents an excellent time to communicate to the government your view that shackling successful producers like Microsoft is not in your, or any one else’s interest.
Between now and January 28th, it is critical that the Department of Justice hears from you about the Microsoft settlement. The Department of Justice will then take all public comments and viewpoints and include them in the public record for the District Court to consider. Please send your comments directly to the Department of Justice via email, fax, or mail no later than January 28th.
Please take action today to ensure your voice is heard.
You may submit comments about the settlement to the District Court Judge reviewing the case by e-mail, fax, or mail. The period for public comment ends January 28, 2002.
- E-mail:
In the Subject line of the e-mail, type Microsoft Settlement. - Fax: 1-202-307-1454 or 1-202-616-9937
- Postal Mail:
- Renata B. Hesse
Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
601 D Street NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Please send a copy of your letter to CMDC at and [] so we can track how many letters went to the court and show them to other victims of antitrust so they will help support our efforts to repeal antitrust once and for all.
Tips and talking points for a successful letter:
- Keep letters personal. The best letter you could write will talk specifically about how this case affects you. A one page letter is more effective than a longer letter.
- If you use Microsoft products, mention how you benefit from them and their features.
- Say that you resent the government’s characterization of you as a helpless victim who cannot choose software that is useful to you. Mention that you do not think that the government has any right to decide what can be in your computer.
- Tell the court that you resent the idea that a successful business and its products are a threat to anyone.
- Remind the court that the complaint against Microsoft originated not with individual consumers, or with Microsoft’s partners, but with Microsoft’s unsuccessful competitors. Failed businesses must not be allowed to set the rules for the markets in which they failed.
- Remind the court that for politicians to protect some businesses from others is a dangerous policy. Continued application of the antitrust laws against successful businessmen can only lead to corruption and economic disaster as shown in many other countries.
- Tell the court that you want to see an America where success is not throttled, but embraced. Say that you want a free America where anyone with enough intelligence and hard work can be a self-made man like Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates.
- And lastly, and most importantly, tell the court that Microsoft has a fundamental right to its property, and that it is the government’s job is to protect this right, not to take it away.
To learn more about US v. Microsoft and the government’s assault on success, be sure to visit
Thank you for your support in helping CMDC make the case against antitrust. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone who you think values freedom in America. With all our continued efforts, we will repeal this unjust law.
Best Regards,
Nicholas Provenzo