Governor George W. Bush claims prosperity is not enough. Instead, he says, we need prosperity with a “purpose.”
The crucial question remains: whose purpose?
In a free country, individuals are left free to decide their own purpose, so long as they do not impose force or fraud on anybody else.
Yet Governor Bush has all kinds of purposes in mind to shove down our throats.
Governor Bush promises cheap prescription medicine for all senior citizens, failing to mention that younger taxpayers must be forced to finance it. (To say nothing of what the resulting government controls will do to innovation in drugs.)
Governor Bush promises to “save” Social Security, knowing full well the program is going bankrupt and cannot survive without massive tax increases on the young.
Governor Bush promises to outlaw partial-birth abortions, failing to mention that partial-birth abortions are usually done to avoid risking the life of the mother.
George W. Bush wants it both ways. He wants the era of Big Government to be over while he continues to expand that government’s power.
We’ve heard it all before, from the man who has occupied the Oval Office for the last eight years. Voters deserve more than a choice between the lesser of two Clintons. It’s sad we’re not getting it this year.