Berkeley economist Brad DeLong has an exceptional ability to get just about everything on the 20th century fantastically wrong in his book “Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century.”
Who Will Defend Jonathan Yudelman?
There is a clear double standard going on here, which the Left is expert at exploiting.
Fascist Franklin Roosevelt’s Bogus Economic Bill of Rights
Not one of these “rights” can be provided to anyone without some other American reduced in his freedom.
The Heart of a Cheetah: How We Have Been Lied to About African Poverty — and What that Means for Human Flourishing
In contrast to those who believe that experts can engineer progress for Africa, Magatte Wade argues that what is needed is deregulation, entrepreneurship, and investment.
The Double Standard on Freedom of Speech and Racism at American Universities Like Columbia
Universities cannot morally punish anti-black racism while tolerating anti-Jewish racism, even if the First Amendment protects both.
Product Safety Alert: Progressive Education
Educational practices linked to school shootings demand an investigation of the public schools.
The Progressive Framework’s Standard is the Group
The individual, according to the Progressive intellectuals, existed, not for his own personal happiness, but to self-sacrificially serve others.
The Demonization of “White” English Harms Black Students
Is Learning Standard “White” English Oppressive for Black Students?
How Higher Education Wrecks Freedom
The push to force everyone into higher education has proven to be a massive diversion of financial and human energy, and, just like Schumpeter predicted, it did the cause of freedom no favors.
Isabel Paterson: A Woman Who Could ‘Save the World’
Ayn Rand published The Fountainhead, and Rose Wilder Lane published The Discovery of Freedom, and Isabel Paterson published The God of the Machine, all in 1943.
The Moment Rose Wilder Lane’s Faith in Communism Was Pierced
“I am now a fundamentalist American; give me time and I will tell you why individualism, laissez-faire and… capitalism offer the best opportunities for the development of the human spirit.”
E Pluribus Unum
Few phrases from our country’s creation illustrate that disconnect better than E Pluribus Unum: out of many, one.
The Meaning of President’s Day
America’s Early Presidents Were Admirable Men of Principle– Let us Hope we can Find More Like Them
Black History or “Sins of White People” Month?
What is called Black History Month might more accurately be called “the sins of white people” month.
The Meaning of Americanism: What America Is by C. Bradley Thompson
Review of “What America Is: The Moral Logic of the American Revolution and Other Essays” by C. Bradley Thompson (2023).
William Penn: “The First Great Hero of American Liberty”
Penn’s commitment to a free society needs our re-commitment.
Recovery: A Guide to Reforming the U.S. Health Sector
If you support universal health care and the right of patients to make their own health decisions, there might be more for you in Recovery than you might think. I hope you’ll give it a look.
Black Innovators and Entrepreneurs Under Capitalism
That innovative black Americans flourished in late 19th- and early 20th-century America is a little-known part of our Capitalist heritage.
The Dutch and The Beginning of the Modern World
Maarten Prak and Jan Luiten van Zanden show in their new book Pioneers of Capitalism: The Netherlands 1000-1800 that the Dutch preindustrial history of growth, trade, and reliance on markets for their daily bread changed well before the mid-1600s.
MLK Day: The Wisdom of Thomas Sowell
One of the most distinguished intellectuals of his generation, Thomas Sowell’s classical-liberal worldview continues to challenge, inspire, and empower research across the social sciences.
Alexander Hamilton’s Liberalism: Distinguishing Fact and Myth
Hamilton is an Enlightened, classical liberal, a more consistent champion of rights and liberty than any other Founder, thus an inspiring model for contemporary friends of liberty.
A Review of Liz Cheney’s book Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning
Edwin Locke’s summary and review of Liz Cheney’s book Oath and Honor.
Making Resolutions Outlast January
As Ayn Rand put it, a value is something you act to gain or keep. A desire without action then is just a wish.
The Legacy of Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton did not as treasury secretary implement, or espouse, any system of protective tariffs or bounties.
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