The Demonization of “White” English Harms Black Students

Is Learning Standard “White” English Oppressive for Black Students?

Progress In a Free Economy

The Industrial Revolution has allowed mankind to improve his environment.

Inconvenient Historical Truths From ‘Black History Month’

A few historical and inconvenient notes left on the cutting room floor during Black History Month.

The Meaning of President’s Day

America’s Early Presidents Were Admirable Men of Principle– Let us Hope we can Find More Like Them

Explore over 9,000 free-to-read articles on capitalism, socialism, politics, economics, and individual rights.



Why Do Business Leaders Appease Their Enemies?

The fundamental reason for appeasing the critics of business is that company executives lack the moral argument for defense. As Ayn Rand argues in ‘The Sanction of The Victims,’ most business leaders have accepted the moral code of altruism.

Bitcoin Bests $100,000

If Bitcoin is someday supplanted by another digital asset offering indisputable improvements, its foundational role in seeding and anchoring the cryptocurrency asset class — and in driving trillions of dollars of investment into similar and related assets and enterprises — will remain as significant, if not more so, than its contributions to the present.





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